Thursday, November 27, 2008

Semester Wrap-Up

Hi Everybody! Just wanted to wish you good luck on your finals and thank you for another awesome semester of Honors. We had a semester full of awesome seminars and Honors events, all of which could not have been done without your help. To continuously improve, though, we need to hear some feedback! This week in seminar, we will be asking for your comments and suggestions on how the Honors Board can continue to improve the Program. Feel free to speak up, leave comments here, or drop a note in our suggestion box upstairs.

Thanks again, and have a wonderful holiday season!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Honors Wins!

Just wanted to leave a note for those that didn't hear in Seminar last week- Honors won across the board for Homecoming!

We won Best Float, Best Spirit Board, and we also won Sweepstakes, which is our overall point value from Homecoming week.

Thanks to everyone that helped!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Monday, November 3 Seminar at 11:00 (The Ashley Treatment)

Hello readers!

I wanted to say thank you for the fantastic questions and discussion on this topic. I know there were a lot of people with their hands still raised when we had to call it quits due to time, and I'm not sure how many of you heard what I had said about finding more information online. Of course, yes, you can go to Google and type in "The Ashley Treatment" into the box, but I had a few links that I found and used for my presentation, and I want to share them with you.

There are plenty more out there, both positive and negative, so I'll stop now. Happy researching!